Phulkahrka Welfare society is the strong team of peoples who are coming from Phulkharka but living out from the village for their work or study. There are more than 50 members including executive members, general and lifetime. It is an organization of peoples who are helping back own village for needy peoples and cases. Organization is actively working as all rounds for Phulkharka village which is containing about 1000 houses and about 5000 peoples. Well certified from Nepal government offices was formally established in the year of 2015.
“Phulkhara Welfare Society” Our vision is to be the foremost catalyst for transformative development in Nepal, setting new standards of excellence in humanitarian efforts, social empowerment, and environmental stewardship. Through our unwavering dedication, we aspire to inspire lasting change that uplifts individuals, families, and communities across the nation.
A health camp is a focused and temporary event organized with the aim of providing healthcare services to a specific community or population. These camps are often set up in remote or underserved areas where access to regular healthcare facilities may be limited. Health camps typically involve a team of medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, and support staff, who offer a range of services such as general check-ups, vaccinations, health screenings, and basic treatments.
Senior citizen honors are special recognitions and acknowledgments bestowed upon individuals who have reached a significant age milestone, typically 60 years or older. These honors aim to celebrate and show appreciation for the contributions, wisdom, and experiences of older adults in society. Senior citizen honors can take various forms, including awards, ceremonies, events, or programs specifically designed to recognize the achievements and valuable contributions of senior citizens.
फूलखर्क कल्याकारी समाजले गंगा जमुना गाउपालिका -५ ,फूलखर्क केन्द्रित भएर बिगत २०७१ साल देखि सामाजिक कार्य गर्दै आएको हामी सबैलाई जानकारी नै छ । अझै पनि हामी यस संस्था मार्फत…
धादिंग, आगोले पोलेर क्रीतिपुर अस्पतालमा उपचार गरिरहनु भयको धादिङ गंगाजमुना गाउँपालिका ५ फूलखर्क (किन्ताङ) निवासी तारा अधिकारीको उपचारका लागि "फूलखर्क कल्याणकारी समाजको" पहलमा समाजमा आवद्ध साथीहरु बाट संकलन गरिएको ६…
"फूलखर्क कल्याणकारी समाज" को ११ औं बार्षिक साधारण सभा तथा छैटौ अधिवेशन पौष २० गते, साझा पार्टी प्यालेस जरङ्खु काठमाडौंमा सम्पन्न गरियो। भिष्म राज नेपाल ले संचालन गरेको कार्यक्रममा धादिंग…
Phulkharka welfare society was established as purpose of helping for needy peoples who are originally from Phulkharka villages. Phulkharka villages are about 1000 houses in remote Dhading district. We are keep supporting peoples who are lack of money for their treatment, helping peoples in any natural disaster, helping peoples to create their awareness in nature, culture and their lifestyle.
Organization strongly presenting every social activities that directly benefit for local villagers. Support in treatment for needy peoples Support students who need help for their schooling as scholarship Help peoples in any natural disaster Strong voice of any corruption and any misuse